Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Production: Images taken for my magazine

I have took this image of my Doc Martins because I need to fill in gaps on my magazine and I feel that they would fit in with the genre.
I have took this image of my Doc Martins because I need to fill in gaps on my magazine and I feel that they would fit in with the genre.

I have took this image of my Doc Martins because I need to fill in gaps on my magazine and I feel that they would fit in with the genre.

I have took this image of my sandles because I need to fill in gaps on my magazine and I feel that they would fit in with the genre.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Production: Images taken for my magazine


These images have been taken to fill in the gaps on my music magazine, also so that I could give fashion advise. This fits in with the pop genre I know this because I have looked at other pop magazines for example a pop magazine very similar to mine Top of the pops. I have not yet decided which images will be on my magazine.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Research and Planning: Social networking feedback

From my last social networking feedback I was advised to add shapes to the background which is when I chose love hearts, so I feel that if I put my page numbers on  my contents page into love hearts too that are bright colours and stand out it will  make my magazine more like a pop magazine for example top of the pops.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Research and Planning: Social networking feedback

Here I have been told to add shapes to the background to fill in the gaps. So I have decided to add love hearts. Different sizes and coloured love hearts with different rotations, I chose to do this because this will work well with the genre and will stand out making my magazine look more busy. I am glad I have been given this advise because I feel that it will really help me improve my music magazine.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Production: Progress so far

Today I did not really do anything to my contents page because I have concentrated more on getting my double page spread finished.

Today I did not really do anything to my front cover  because I have concentrated more on getting my double page spread finished.

Today to my double page spread I have changed the main title to make it smaller and then i have made a quote as the main title, because this will make my magazine look more pop. I have also changed the colour of the questions to pink because it now stands out from the answers.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Production: Progress so far

Today i have not really done a lot to my front cover because i have concentrated more on my contents page and my double page spread. Although I have added the information for the competition and also added boxes behind text to make the text stand out and to also give the page more colour and to make the page look more busy, because that is what pop magazines are supposed to be like.

Today to my double page spread i have added the interview article, i have also added the two page numbers, i have done them in two different colours to give the page more colour, also to make it different. I have also added a circle for her Twitter and Facebook information to go.

Today to my contents page I have added more text and also added boxes to make the text stand out and to also make the page look more busy. I have also added two page numbers for my double page spread vanessa may interview, because i have previously only put one forgetting it is a double page spread. The page numbers are now all in different colours, to give the page more colour and to make it look more like a pop magazine. I am also now looking at changing the image on this page because this model is on all three pages, and she looks to different on this page because of the way she has been edited also she is wearing the same clothes on them all, so I am thinking about changing her to a different model, or using the same model and taking a picture of her in different clothes.